Zebra in the Woods

Hi there! Sorry it’s been a while, I haven’t been doing much worth sharing since I’ve been back in uni and settling in. I’ve switched my degree course from Maths with Finance to just Maths which I am so much happier with, and am now back in the swing of things.

Here’s some pics Jon took on his phone - the Samsung Galaxy S2 - of things we’ve been up to recently (minus the cookie pics which came from my camera). I think some of them came out pretty well!

Taking photos with my Diana F+

Baking lots of chewy cookies (recipe here)

Visiting George Heriot's School as part of Edinburgh's Open Door Days

Walking around the wooded Corstophine Hill and up the tower (which was open as another part of the Open Door Days).

When we turned around from that viewpoint above this is what we saw...

..Zebras! Through a large fence is Edinburgh Zoo, which backs on to a path around the hill. We could hear kids shouting from inside the zoo and that's when we noticed that the zebras were right up by the fence near us! Gotta love seeing a herd of zebras whilst walking through the woods.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

S. xo