Rainy Days

The weather hasn’t been too great recently. It’s hard to feel like yesterday was the beginning of summer. I’m not enjoying spending so much time in the flat, especially as I made some calculations and figured we couldn’t spend any money until the end of July (next payday) for us to afford rent over summer. So we shall have to start making money other ways and doing as much free stuff to keep us entertained!

Today we went to Union Canal in Fountainbridge with some leftover crusts of bread. We were soaked by the time we returned home but it feels good once in a while to get out in the rain and not care about being wet.

Funny moment when Jon threw some bread, we heard a thump and a pigeon fly right across us, he accidentally hit the poor thing! We felt like kids feeding the ducks, and think we shall go and feed them each time we have old stale bread instead of throwing it in the bin.

What have you been doing with all these rainy days?

S. xo