My New Diana F+ Camera

I am now the proud owner of a Diana F+ camera!! With a whole load of accessories included - Yipee!

I’ve been looking at toy cameras for a while now. I like that they are plastic, light and use film. I particularly love the Diana F+ from Lomography, I love the outcome of the photos and not knowing how they’ll come out until the film is developed.

Me and Jon split the cost between us because we both wanted it so bad and for £50 each it’s a great deal. Luckily Jon worked his eBay magic and managed to get us the Diana Deluxe Kit for just £100 incl. p&p.

Here’s the main features:

  • Diana F+
  • Diana Flash
  • Hot shoe adaptors (one for camera, one for flash)
  • Cable Release Collar and cable release
  • Splitzer
  • Diana 35mm Back + 4 masks for 4 formats
  • Diana F+ 20mm Fisheye Lens
  • Diana F+ 38mm Super-Wide Lens
  • Diana F+ 55mm Wide-Angle Lens + Close-Up Lens
  • Diana F+ 110mm Telephoto Lens
  • Viewfinder Adaptor
  • Universal Viewfinder
  • Fisheye Viewfinder
There's also little things like lens covers, drawstring bags for all the lenses, a book, etc thrown in too! Well the box arrived today and woah that's a whole load of stuff!!

Unfortunately I don’t have any film yet so haven’t had a play, but I’ve got to admire all the parts and work out how everything works. We’re gonna try 35mm film first as it’s cheaper and more available, then when we’ve more experience we’ll try the 120mm. I’m so excited to get snapping and try out lots of different things, although I’m sure the first roll of film we have developed will be terrible but I’d enjoy it all the same!

With all these bits there’s nothing more I could want from this camera :D Jon’s most excited to use the Fisheye and I just can’t wait for everything, just wanna get outside now! Although there is something I shall add to my wishlist… the Instant back so it can be used like a polaroid - amazing!

So what d’ya think of my new toy? Do you have a toy camera or thinking of getting one?

S. xo