Life Lately

So I thought I’d write a catch up post as it’s been a while. It’s now a month till exams and it’s starting to really sink in that by April uni will be over, forever. So I’m making sure I make the most of it and come out with a good degree, which means most of my time is taken up with studying.

I try to keep one weekend day mostly free of work, and today is one of those days :) This morning Jon and I went to the cinema to see a screening of Argo which was really good (and I’d recommend it), followed by some food shopping and some online catch-up.

Here’s a few things I’ve been up to recently…

We went for a walk in the Pentlands with some friends when the sun came out. It was so muddy and we went the steepest possible way up the hill. The way down was particularly funny when everyone slipped in the mud except for me ha! But we do really need to invest in some walking boots :p We also stumbled across this gathering of highland cattle which completely blocked our path, so we patiently waited for them to move as we were too scared to get close!

I baked cookies, rolo ones, that lasted 2 days at most.

I went to a Halloween party as a skeleton! The pic on the left was taken a couple of days before the party when I did a trial run of the make-up so it’s a bit rough. Was a great party and I only spent £2 on my ‘costume’.

And finally today I picked up some free sparklers from Tesco (click the link to get the coupon), a few of us plan on going up Blackford Hill to watch some fireworks tomorrow night, can’t wait!

That’s all for now, I’m going to put on the kettle for a hot chocolate and try to apply for some jobs. Have a nice Sunday!

S. xo