A Few Things

I thought I’d write a post today about some things I’ve been up to the past couple weeks that I want to recommend, in particular a couple of movies!

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1.  We Bought a Zoo. I went to see this film this morning thanks to RBS, and I really enjoyed watching it. It was a sad film, as like a lot of family movies, the Mum has died and so it's up to the Dad to look after the kids alone. The daughter Rosie is so cute, and I think Matt Damon makes a great Dad in it. They basically buy a zoo, which I totally would love to do now, and well I'll leave it up to IMDb to summarise. It's based on a true story too, and think it's great that the real life family still have the zoo.


  1. 21 Jump Street. I saw this on Tuesday, and as I expected, it was a great comedy that I’d recommend. Jonah Hill is so funny in it! It’s based on the TV show from the 80s which starred Johnny Depp, although this is comedy unlike the original. Basically 2 guys that went to school together join the police force and end up working undercover in a high school trying to tackle a drugs case. Watch the trailer and go see it!


  1. Funny Peculiar. Me and my boyfriend went to see this in the Festival Theatre last week. We weren’t really expecting much as we didn’t really know anything about it. We were sat 5 rows from the front, so we were surprised with how good seats we were given for free! It was such a random but funny play, and was weird to see people from TV on stage (incl. Coronation Street’s Janice Battersby, Suzanne Shaw, etc). As we walked in there was a sign saying ‘This play contains full nudity,’ and we weren’t expecting that! We wouldn’t have seen it if the tickets weren’t free, as it’s not something I would normally do because tickets are so expensive usually for theatre, so glad we got to though!


  1. Baking. I baked chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream last weekend and they were yummy! I followed this recipe for the cupcakes, and it was alot easier than the last ones I made. Hardly any butter in comparison, so a lot less work for my arms trying to mix it all together, and a lot less calories! I used my new Tala measuring cup which I was delighted to be given from George East Housewares last week. It’s so easy to use, especially when using American recipes which I do a lot of the time, and looks lovely!


I’ve bought some Cadbury Philadelphia today that I haven’t tried yet, but I’m thinking of making a cheesecake with it tomorrow. Will let you know how that goes, I love Cadbury!

Anyone tried it yet? Or is chocolate cheese a no-go?

