I Heart: Washi Tape

I am eagerly awaiting a package, and here’s why..

Woo!! I treated myself to some lovely washi tape from Freckled Fawn. I couldn't resist since it's just been my first payday, and also because readers of Ali Edwards' blog were offered free shipping. Perfect timing!

I’ve browsed Freckled Fawn many times, thinking as it’s American and priced in $ the shipping would be expensive. So I went ahead and chose the above three products, coming to $10.05 - paypal charging me £6.66, a great price for these items especially since they are coming all the way from the US. I later found that the shipping would have only cost me $2.30, very reasonable so this would no longer discourage me from buying from over there.

I have wanted to purchase washi tape for a while now, it’s so pretty with lots of uses. Here are (some of) my top picks from Freckled Fawn.

Airmail Grey&White // Polka Dots Teal // Heart 2Styles // Vintage Classroom Set // Grid Green&White // Airmail Aqua&White

I am so excited for it to arrive, I have a feeling I will become addicted though; there are so many cute patterns and colours!!

Do you own any washi tape? What sort of things do you use it for?

S. xo