Fresh Mint Chocolate Cookies


I am back from my holiday to Poland (more on that to follow) and am enjoying the weekend with these cookies and watching movies before Jon starts his grad job on Monday!

I brought some fresh home grown mint back from Poland, thanks to Natalie’s mum, and decided to use it to make these cookies. Mint choc chip is one of my favourite flavours, and is usually my first choice when choosing ice-cream.

I followed my go-to Chewy ‘Millie’s Cookie Style’ Cookies recipe, but replaced the 225g flourwith 185g self-raising flour and 40g cocoa powder. I added the chopped mint, which was around 2.5 tbsp, at the end along with 200g dark chocolate chips.


The dough made 14 regular cookies and I used the left overs (which would make 6 regular cookies) to make a giant cookie which I baked in a cake tin. I flattened it down in the pan with my knuckles to speed up the cooking time.


Then cook for around 8mins, adding a couple more minutes for the larger one, and they’re done. They are super chewy and so tasty. I love the fresh taste of the mint with the dark chocolate, half of them have already been eaten..


S. xo