Free Cinema - Titanic in 3D (more tickets) (14/2/12)

So I thought I’d write another post about Titanic 3D and collectively put together all the possible links I’ve found for free tickets here. My original post is here. My friends have just managed to get hold of 2 more that I found for them as they really wanted to go, so there are still some out there, just keep checking back for more cancellations! These are all available to anyone with many locations still available:

  • [highlight]The Times [/highlight](you don't have to be a member just register here). Event password = Titanic.
  • [highlight]ShowFilmFirst[/highlight]. (Code if needed = 447563)
  • [highlight]ShowFilmFirst[/highlight]. (Code if needed = 309508)
There may be more links out there but these were the ones I've been using. Let me know if you manage to get some, it's such a good movie!
