Day 14 - Yosemite NP

Up early this morning to make our journey to Yosemite. After getting ready we headed straight for McDonalds to get a 85c Super Large Coke which is soo good value, and 2 sausage mcmuffins. We then started the drive along the 395, alongside the Sierra Nevada’s which we’d soon be crossing. On the way we stopped off at Mono Lake.

From Road Trip USA
It contains 78grams of salt per litre and is full of Tufa towers. To put that into comparison the sea has around 35grams per litre. We snapped some pics before getting on the Tioga Pass which would lead us into Yosemite.

The pass reaches an elevation of 9943ft over the Sierra’s so there was quite a lot of snow and the temp was a lot cooler in the low 60s. The views along the road were amazing, and the water in the lakes/rivers was so clear. We stopped at Toulomne Meadows where we went to the shop and had a little walk.

From Road Trip USA
It was a lot busier here than any other national park. We drove down in to the Upper Pines campground, and as we were registering the ranger talked to us about bears and how we were to store our food etc before Jon signed the form to show that we had been informed. She told us that on this very morning there had been a bear incident in our campground! This campground was the busiest we had seen, although our spot was a big one but was mainly in the sun so we only really used a quarter of it. We set up camp and were both feeling realllly tired by the end of it.

We decided to drive to Curry village to see how much firewood was. Unfortunately it was something like $9 so thought we may as well just use our charcoal and have a bbq instead. We decided to take the shuttle to Yosemite village to have a look in their shop, which was a bit bigger but pretty much the same. The shops were very over priced, so we ended up buying some ice cream, breakfast sausages and rolls for our barbecue. The sausages were brown sugar and honey flavor but they were the only ones for less than $5. We went back to the campground and started the barbecue which was so much better than the one we had at the Grand Canyon!

From Road Trip USA
We managed to cook 4 sausages at a time, and they were alright.. well I began to feel sick they were too sweet for me but Jon managed to eat them OK. We were knackered by the time we were done and played a few card games whilst drinking beers. We headed to bed at about 9pm lol as we were falling asleep and planned on waking up at 6am so we could get out before all the tourists were around and to hopefully spot a bear...
