Chewy 'Millie's Cookie Style' Cookies

I’ve just finished making these cookies and they are soo good! I’ve only made cookies a couple of times before and usually am disappointed. So this time I searched on blogs looking for a Millie’s Cookie style cookie (yummy) and stumbled upon this. And I’m so glad I did.

These cookies are amazing, crispy on the outside and chewy in the middle - just how I like them. Jon gave them a definite thumbs up too, and so this will be my go-to recipe for cookies now. I went for simple milk choc chip cookies using a bar of dairy milk and a flake. Can’t wait to experiment with different flavours in the future!

So here’s how they were made, thanks to this blog which I adapted a little as I went.

125g butter, softened//100g light brown soft sugar//125g caster sugar//1 egg//1 tsp vanilla extract//225g self-raising flour//½ tsp salt//1 small bar dairy milk and 1 flake

Firstly preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.

1. Put the brown and caster sugar in a bowl and cream together with the butter (I melted half of it to speed up the process)

2. Combine with the egg and the vanilla extract

3. Add the flour and salt and mix it all together so it becomes doughy

4. Chop up the dairy milk and crumble the flake and mix everything together

Finally roll the dough into a big sausage shape and cut it into 20 pieces and place on 2 trays lined with baking paper. As I didn't have large enough baking trays I could only fit 14 cookies on so with the rest I made one big cookie in a round cake tin. They go in the oven for 7mins, although they may not look cooked they should be so take them out to cool. The outside should stiffen and crisp as they cool. Or you can cook them for a bit longer if you prefer! (For me 8mins was perfect with my oven and preference)

And enjoy! I sure did ;)

I think the big cookie would be great iced as a birthday cookie, just like at Millie's cookies!

S. xo