Chewy Chocolate Toffee Waffle Cookies


I thank Jon for these cookies. We went to Lidl yesterday to grab some pizza, and whenever we’re in Lidl a pack of toffee waffles (also called caramel wafers) always seem to end up in our shopping. They are so good and the added cinnamon flavour in these ones make them even better.


So I’ve been wanting to make chocolate and toffee cookies for a while now, and Jon suggested using the toffee waffles. Today I made them, and oh are they good! They are sooo chewy and I love how the caramel oozes out from the waffles, and with the dairy milk, well they’re certainly full of sugar! I halved my Chewy ‘Millie’s Cookie Style’ Cookies recipe to make the cookie dough, and used 2 broken up waffles and around 15 blocks of dairy milk (I cut each block in half), and managed to make 12 cookies.


They are seriously good warm when they’re still a bit gooey… Enjoy!

S. xo