Time For a Catch Up

I’ve had a busy week the past week and thought it’s time to catch up with everything whilst I have some time before dinner and a movie night with Jon :)

On Sunday we both volunteered at the Rock ’n’ Roll Edinburgh Half Marathon, which was really fun and it was such a nice sunny day. We were over at Holyrood park all morning and after holding rope for the corral starts we ate hotdogs before the runners started to come through the finish line with the female winner after 1hr 16mins! We were working at the chip retrieval where we clipped the chips off people shoes, yum. Was a great day, maybe some time we’ll be running it :p

Afterwards we went to Usher Hall to see Bang Goes the Theory Live (not to be confused with the Big Bang Theory)! We managed to get free tickets and it was pretty good. Lots of kids though and I was sat by a boy who couldn’t stop jumping up and down in his seat so I was flinging around lol, that was quite annoying after a while… Was an entertaining show though for all the family and educational too, and the audience were involved which the kids loved. It was my first time inside Usher Hall and it’s a really nice venue.

On Monday - Wednesday Jon had family up to visit which was lovely. It’s so good when we have visitors, sucks we are so far away! They were staying in an amazing apartment right in town with heated floors which were so nice and even a garden. Hate how cold our flat is :( There was this mirror in the lounge which I love:

It’s made of magazine pages rolled up in to squares. So I had a look at how to make it and found lots of other things to make with magazine paper which I pinned on Pinterest (so addictive!)

Before Jon’s family had to leave back to Cardiff we had free cocktails at the Rutland Hotel Bar :D They were so good - in order of yummiest:

  • 42 Ways to Leave Your Lover - 42 Below Kiwi, Cointreau, mango juice, citrus and basil combine for a long cool thirst quencher.
  • Lemon and Lychee Caipiroska - Sharp and tangy with a hint of tropical sweetness, Absolut Citron and lychee juice combine for an exciting twist on a classic.
  • Crimson Kisses - A romantic blend of fresh raspberries, Bombay Sapphire, rose liqueur & sparkling rose wine.
  • The Rutland Mai-Ta - Classic Mai-Tai recipe made with our Rutland rum blend, fresh lime and Grand Marnier.
Would definitely go back there for more!

We also had a wander around the shops, and went to Anthropologie which I’d never been to before but Jon’s parents had been whilst in the US. It’s such a nice shop, pretty expensive, but they had a sale! Jon’s Mum found this plate and we had to get it, down to £3 from £12:

So now they’ve gone back we are sad they’ve gone and we have to get back to studying. Revision plan has kicked back in and my first exam is this Tuesday… :/ Starting to stress but thing like tea, cake and highlighters make it all a bit better.

So that’s my week so far. The rest will be a nice evening tonight then stuck at my desk trying to get all this revision in to my head. I shall be sleeping with symbols in my dreams.
