C25K: Week Two


Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then alternate 90 seconds of running with 2 minutes of walking, for a total of 20 minutes.

It’s week two and still enjoying it!

Week 2 Run 1:


When / Where / Weather: Saturday / Union Canal / overcast

Comments: It was very cold today (as usual)! Ran along the canal again, this time there were a couple rowing boats out which was quite funny as during the walking parts they would overtake us and then the running parts we would overtake them. Jon used his headphones too whilst using the nike+ app which was cool because it let us know whenever we’d run a mile. Felt good during/after the run and I’m looking forward to the next :)

Week 2 Run 2:


When / Where / Weather: Monday / Union Canal / light snow

Comments: We both felt tired today, but we motivated each other to keep on going and I’m so glad we did. Uni is stressful at the moment (Dissertation due on Thurs!) but we are both finding that running is helping de-stress us and gets us away from a computer and in to the fresh air which can only be a good thing :)

Week 2 Run 3:


When / Where / Weather: Thursday / Union Canal / cloudy

Comments: I was worried it would be slippy out today but luckily the path along the canal had been cleared. Today was probably the least windy it’s been since we began and that definitely helped with the running, the sun even came out at one point! Ran a bit further along the canal until we were on an aqueduct that runs over the Water of Leith. We did a sprint finish on the last run, which tired us both out after! On to week 3…

S. xo

//I am following the Couch to 5k plan from the NHS, listening to the free C25K podcasts, and using the nike+ app to track each run. You can see all the C25K posts here//