C25K: Week Seven


Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 25 minutes running.

It’s week 7 and still enjoying it!

Week 7 Run 1:


When / Where / Weather: Saturday / Union Canal / sun

Comments: We tried a new route today straight from our flat and onto the canal from there. It felt great to have a change of scenery and it made it seem like a shorter distance that way. It also felt easier than the last run. Although very red faced by the end of it!

Week 7 Run 2:


When / Where / Weather: Wednesday / Union Canal / wind and rain

Comments: Today we had to run a day later than we should have because Jon had exams Monday and Tuesday. I think that made this run harder, as we were both feeling it in our legs today! I’m really enjoying seeing our progress on the nike+ app, with graphs of our pace etc and how much we’ve improved since the beginning.

Week 7 Run 3:


When / Where / Weather: Saturday / Union Canal / sun

Comments: Again we’ve had to wait 3 days till this run, exams getting in the way! All finished now though so we can get back into a better routine. Think we are going to stick with running straight from our flat too, now that we are more confident. Still felt pretty tired at the end of the run. The nike+ app told us we’d completed 5k in 32'40", which would’ve included some of the walking. I hope by the end of week 9 we’ll be able to do 5k running in 30 mins, but even to run 5k straight shall be an accomplishment! :)

S. xo

//I am following the Couch to 5k plan from the NHS, listening to the free C25K podcasts, and using the nike+ app to track each run. You can see all the C25K posts here//