Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 28 minutes of running.
It's week 8 and I've fallen behind! Run 1 continued from week 7, Run 2 was 11 days later and Run 3 was urm... 3 months later. We went away to Poland and then didn't get back in to it (when Jon started work) until now.
Week 8 Run 1:
When / Where / Weather: Monday / Union Canal / sunComments: Ran for 28 mins yay! Felt tired at around the halfway mark but kept on going and started to feel better again towards the end. It was quiet out since it’s a bank holiday which was nice as we didn’t have to keep checking behind and moving out of the way for cyclists. Only 5 more runs and we’ll have completed C25K!
Week 8 Run 2:
When / Where / Weather: Friday / Union Canal / sunComments: So it’s been 11 days since my last run. With going to the Lake District, Alton Towers and Cardiff over the past week we didn’t manage to fit in any running. We are going away to Poland on Wednesday and then it’ll be another week till we’re back. Anyway, I thought this run would be a struggle after the break but it actually went really well. We started off a lot slower than usual and Jon had a bad stitch for the first half of the run, but we were able to speed up in the second half and end with some energy still left over.
Week 8 Run 3:

When / Where / Weather: Thursday / Holyrood Park / dry
Comments: I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since Run 2. I think when we are both working full-time evening runs will work best. We decided to run around Holyrood Park, doing the popular 5K route around Arthur’s Seat. Never done this run before with up and downhills. We decided to just pick up from where we left and hoped we still had it in us. The uphill was hard but once we were on the flat and it started to turn downhill it was great. Although at just under 3miles my hip started to hurt pretty bad. Hope it gets better soon and just needs a little rest. We both really enjoyed the run in the evening, it was quiet and felt cooler. Hooray for finishing week 8 finally!
S. xo
//I am following the Couch to 5k plan from the NHS, listening to the free C25K podcasts, and using the nike+ app to track each run. You can see all the C25K posts here//