Ampersand Cross Stitch

ampersand cross stitch

After finishing my Breaking Bad cross stitch, I really wanted to make another one and since I had leftover supplies I dove straight in. (I actually finished this cross stitch during Summer over a couple of days - it’s taken me this long to get a hoop to frame it!). I was looking for something simple to sew and after searching pinterest decided on a curly ampersand.

ampersand plan

After drawing out the plan on grid paper I got sewing and couldn’t stop till it was finished! Very addictive. I really liked how it came out but was unsure how to frame it. Which brings me to this weekend when I finally decided to go and buy an 8" hoop. I painted it black for contrast (this was actually Jon’s idea!) and it can now be displayed, finally…

ampersand cross stitch (2)

S. xo