A Week in Poland

Last week Jon and I went on a week long holiday to Poland with 6 of our friends.

Our friends Mike and Natalie are Polish, so lucky for us they showed us around and took us to some great places. We flew in to Wroclaw, stayed 2 nights at their family’s cabin by a lake, stayed 3 nights in an apartment in Krakow, and finally stayed 2 nights near Wroclaw at Natalie’s parents house. It was super fun!

I thought I’d share a few photos  from the trip, firstly of our time at the lovely cabin.


We went out on a boat in the lake, sunbathed, had barbecues and sat around the fire. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I found out from uni I had achieved a 1st on the second night and celebrated around the fire :) Before we came to the cabin we did a HUGE food shop, bought so much meat and crisps, and we pretty much didn’t stop eating the whole 2 days..

After our time at the cabin, we drove down to Krakow.


Jon and I visited Krakow 5 years ago for my 18th birthday, and this time it was Jon’s 23rd birthday! Woo! After the 3.5hr journey we arrived at the apartment and chose our rooms. After we all showered and changed out of our smoke filled clothes, we went for a lovely meal and drinks afterwards. We bought Jon a cake and they brought it out after our meal and everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’, it was so funny.

The next couple days we did some touristy stuff including Wawel Castle, Pharmacy Under the Eagle, Krakus Mound, etc. We visited Wedel in the main square twice for hot chocolates (they were so tasty). We also went for lunch to the same place twice since it was really good.

Recommended by Natalie’s Aunt the restaurant at Hotel Francuski does a special lunch deal which was a bargain. On Saturday it cost 20zl (around £4) for a 3 course meal and fruit drink. We had a vegetable soup to start, a quarter of a chicken each with boiled potatoes and salad for mains, and for dessert we had this peach with cream on sponge thing. All served off a trolley and the meat was carved in to quarters at the table too. Sunday cost 35zl as it had wine included. This time it was chicken soup, followed by pork with mashed potatoes and cabbage, and for dessert we had tiramisu. Couldn’t get over how good it all was!


Our final 2 nights were spent near Wroclaw.


We spent one day in Wroclaw where we visited the main square and islands. It was super cheap, 4zl for soup and roll and 2zl (20p) for a beer at a place right on the square!

The next day we spent at Natalie’s parents house. It rained a lot. We popped out for a bit to visit a castle where they had been to a wedding reception the week before which was lovely, but the rain didn’t stop. We went for a sauna back at their house (there was also one of those wooden tubs with a rope that you pull to tip cold water on yourself when you get out  - so cool) and chilled out. The morning of our last day the sun came back out (boo) so we made the most of it and sunbathed by the pool (!)

Had such a great time with everyone, and it was such a nice break to have before Jon started working on Monday. We also picked up a bit of Polish along the way!

S. xo