A Chilled Out Weekend

Firstly I just want to say Happy mother’s day, in particular to my Mum! Hope you’ve all had a lovely day :)

This weekend I’ve enjoyed spending time doing no uni work at all :). Last week I had a test and 2 projects due in so I was working all day and night for all of that, so I decided this weekend would be a chilled out one! Friday night involved watching 3 hours of The Stand, Saturday was a crafty day and today was a beautiful sunny day so I went to town with my boyfriend for a wander and used my birthday vouchers to get a few goodies!

  1. Scrapbooking. On Saturday I continued on my scrapbook which is starting to get a lot bigger. I’m scrapping my trip to the US that me and my boyfriend took last summer, gives me holiday blues so much. I will blog about my scrapbook more when it’s finished. It’s my first attempt at making a scrapbook so it’s nothing compared to some people’s, but I love this way of keeping my memories!  I’ve been trying to get the pages together first and then do the journaling after, so some pages are quite plain at the mo. Here’s a sneak peak!

2. Shopping. Today I used up most of my birthday vouchers and had a walk around Edinburgh in the sunshine. I managed to pick up the following, and I'm so excited by it all!

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Look how cute those panda highlighters are?! I love Paperchase stationery, just wish it was a bit better for the budget. I got that 17 nail polish from Boots in ‘Pink Lemonade’, will try it out tonight - looks lovely and fresh like summer! Went to The Works too and picked up a canvas for £2.99 - bargain!

I then popped into Waterstones to use my book vouchers. I had looked online for some ideas before I went as I know I’d be in there for ages trying to decide between them all! Firstly I bought Before I Go to Sleep by S. J. Watson - “Memories define us. So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep? An original, haunting, and deeply chilling debut.” I enjoy reading books like this and this one sounds particularly interesting, the boyfriend fancies having a read of this after me too. Then I bought Me Before You by Jojo Moyes - a girly book, don’t think the boyfriend will read this one :p. I wanted to also buy The Pink Hotel and Into the Darkest Corner, but they’ll have to wait!

What have you been up to this weekend? Enjoying the sun where you are?
